The Copyright Act, and the global Berne Convention, are designed to protect professional creators for the benefit of global culture and to enable artistic genius to flourish by compensating those creators whose works are most popular with the public. I am sorry that you feel that the fair use doctrine is too narrow to accommodate the desire of hobbyists to steal the creations of others with impunity. I can guarantee, however, that we in the copyright bar who represent authors, composers, songwriters, artists, painters and other professional creators will continue to make sure that the laws in place now to provide such protections remain on the books and are vigorously enforced-- including through technological means.

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hello you slithering putz

which law school did you go to that you think you can just shit out your opinion without doing the reading? please post your bar card, i want to know what jurisdiction is licensing attorneys so vigorously uninterested in advocacy that they skip straight to their sales pitch without bothering to examine the context.

so obsessed with "protecting" content that you cant be assed to consume it. try reading the article you're replying to, and also try getting a real job.

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Gee, you've gone and hurt my feelings. But I must admit, young socialists living in their parents' basements are so earnest.

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you'll see me in court, shithead. don't worry, i'll recognize you by your lack of preparation and unwarranted arrogance. you wouldn't recognize me if i posted my picture and business card, because you don't bother to do any work.

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