Insightful, but as a 90s gamer who's 15 year old is deep into gaming I say that your point about mobile games is only partially true. Younger players are still keyboard + mouse but are less engaged with PC building. The reason, I think, is the shift from overclocking CPUs to squeezing every ounce out of GPUs and refresh/frame-rates.

It simply comes down to buying better hardware. With advanced BIOS most of the tweaks are software rather than physical. Monitors with a refresh rate of 120 to 144 Hz along with high end DP cables are preferred. Fiber Internet is also a must have. I built a high end gaming PC with my kid and he was more concerned with the number of displays he could connect.

Things have changed, but maybe for the better. There is a greater emphasis on the social aspect of gaming. The backbone of most sessions are Discord chats and most achievements are uploaded to YouTube and Instagram. While some of the nuts and bolts of PC gaming have fallen aside some things remain: PC > console.

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