Sitemap - 2024 - Hot Takes
Some videos for your holiday break
If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?
All behavior makes sense with sufficient information
"Follow your passion" is terrible advice
It's time to treat seed oils like you do refined sugars
Die helping, not clutching the levers of power
The media industry badly needs to enter 'founder mode'
Trad media now openly hates the internet
Don't let machines or the crowd decide your world
Rundown on the state of social
The kids aren't entitled, they're suffering
TikTok and Instagram are intellectual poison
The modern atheist movement is wrong
Modernity's youth obsession is (still) dumb
The role of media in promoting competence
You should be able to push mow 2 full acres
Fishing, poker, TV and digital community building
Marketing lessons from religious institutions
Big tech: fix your customer support, we're done doing unpaid labor
Pop music: the TV dinner of our cultural diet
Why most creators don’t embrace distribution
From boredom to fascination: my journey with education
Most people's musical taste is stuck
The Circle: emblematic of Hollywood's tech hate and current creative dark age
Star Trek's warning against collectivist tyranny
If information is important, it will find you
Legacy industry rot is an ill of our time
You aren't upset enough about the war on hyperlinks
How 'The Time Machine' explains the future of knowledge work
Chasing shadows: the empty pursuits of money and fame as end goals
Quake: how the future of tech was already here in the late 90s
Overcoming our nihilistic, uncreative world
Why I'm (still) not buying the VR hype
Thoughts on the modern plight of creatives
Remote work won, don't let anyone gaslight you to believe otherwise
MBAs and the death of credentialism
The tech sector needs to rediscover quirky, reasonably-priced gadgets
The Internet is the real world